The time has come to assemble the newlordkek counsel

newlordkek counsel

A new counsel of 42 is forming in the Rare Pepes community.

Step 0.


Step 1.

Copy the message by clicking 'Copy to Clipboard'.

Step 2.

Open Freewallet (or another xcp-based option like or and select the 'Sign Message' option.

NOTE: Make sure that the address you sign with is the same address that contains the NEWLORDKEK asset.

Step 3.

Paste the message you copied from into the "Message" field.

Step 4.

Click the "Sign" button to generate your signature.

Step 5.

Copy the contents of the Signature field.

NOTE: Copy ONLY the contents of the Signature field. DO NOT use the "Copy" button in Freewallet - if you use the Copy button you will not be able to authenticate as Freewallet copies over more than just the Signature.

Step 6.

Visit and enter in the Signature and Address. Remember, this has to be the XCP Address that contains the NEWLORDKEK asset.

Step 7.

Voting page unlocked! Vote for the community members you feel are most suited to be part of the NLK Counsel by ensuring they have a checkmark next to their name.