Born in the online comic series by Matt Furie in 2005, Pepe the Frog transformed from a simple comic character into a worldwide meme sensation. Fast forward to 2016, amid the frenzy of the U.S. election campaign, Pepe leaped onto the blockchain platform, evolving into a full-blown cryptocurrency known as PEPECASH. Its overarching mission? To leverage blockchain technology to transform memes and digital art into a monetizable commodity. Thus, PEPECASH caters to art enthusiasts, collectors, and investors, offering them a platform to buy and exchange digital artwork stored on the Bitcoin blockchain within BTC transactions.
While the creators of PEPECASH, like many other meme coin inventors, prefer to work under the cloak of anonymity, they are proactive in maintaining their community via a lively Telegram channel. PEPECASH also stands out due to its weekly auctions and easy access to collectible wallets on its platform.
Each week while the original token submissions were open PEPECASH sacrifices half of the earnings from submissions “to Kek for good luck”, which makes PEPECASH deflationary.
PEPECASH‘s uniqueness is rooted in its strong ties to the Bitcoin blockchain. Rare Pepe owners can trade their digital art for PEPECASH, making it more than just a currency – it’s a trading card for the digital era. Each piece of artwork created on Counterparty comes with a digital blockchain token, making exchange possible. This novel concept of assigning authorship timestamps to any image makes the platform a decentralized hub for Pepe the Frog memes and illustrations. Backed by the Foundation laid by Rare Pepe, which estimates the value of each meme based on its various factors including rarity, PEPECASH reduces investment risks. Despite significant price jumps in recent years, the project maintains its core purpose – to offer fun, entertainment, and a vibrant marketplace for digital art.
— My Rare Pepe (@myrarepepe) August 29, 2022
Nice outfit.
— My Rare Pepe (@myrarepepe) March 24, 2022
We reserved a spot for @Matt_Furie to make a Rare Pepe card years ago and he finally made one. 😀🚀
— My Rare Pepe (@myrarepepe) October 5, 2021
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